school of sacred self-care PRESENTS

 121 cacao & connection Ceremony

Online or in person sessions available

A deep 121 ceremony with the beautiful plant medicine cacao to connect with your soul self so you can remember your inner wisdom and gain clarity on your life, your business, your potential...

You feel the call to truly know yourself, to gain clarity on your journey in this lifetime.  You are ready to reconnect with the potential you came onto this Earth with.

This is a deep ceremonial space of connection and clarity supported by the beautiful plant medicine cacao.  You will experience connection to your true essence so you can tap into your inner wisdom and receive the clarity and inspiration you are looking for.

You are here on this Earth at this time for a reason.  Sitting in ceremony with cacao and your true essence allows the human stories to melt away so you can truly see your self and the life or business you are here to create.


“Throughout the days since that wonderful spiritual session at your lovely home, I have little moments of remembering how it felt to off load I floated out of there with a sense of calm & peace that I haven’t felt for such a long long time. Thank you for ‘holding’ me in that space, thank you for helping me understand who I am"


“Thanks so much. I've been on fire today & done stuff I've been putting off after receiving my key!”


“I’m just blown away by the wonder and power of it…Thankyou from the very bottom of my heart.  What you do is truly special”

What does the cacao ceremony entail?


Opening the space, grounding and connecting in with your true self.


Drinking and connecting deeply with the cacao as you create the space to come inwards and access you inner wisdom.


Guided meditative journey to access and deepen your connection with your true self.


Reflective journaling.


Sharing time where you are free to share anything you feel called to as we work together to deepen the insights gained from your session.


In person sessions will take place in Great Oakley, Essex Co12 5. For online sessions you will receive a ceremony pack in the mail (UK & Ireland) that contains all the elements required for your ceremony.  You just need a quiet, comfy space and your favourite journal 


Please allow up to 2hrs for the whole session x



Ceremonial Cacao is grown in its native land of Central/South America using the original strains of the plant.  It is grown and processed with the intention of being used in ceremony.  The whole cacao bean is used along with the cacao butter.  The beans are dried in the sun, preserving the wealth of nutrients this plant offers, before being being ground into a paste and moulded in blocks.



Ceremonial cacao is pure, unadulterated chocolate.  In this state it one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.  Nothing is added and nothing is removed during processing.



Aside from the wealth of nutritional benefits, Ceremonial Cacao is a heart opener both physically, emotionally and spiritually.  It gives us clearer access to our true essence by gently removing the obstacles in our way.  It also activates the feel good hormones in your brain to promote a sense of peace and joy.



Cacao is a psychoactive medicine not a psychedelic one so you will not experience any change in your reality through hallucinations.  Cacao will show you the door to your true essence and leave you to chose whether you go through it



Depending on dose, SSRI antidepressants and anti-psychotics are not compatible with the MAOI's (Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors) in cacao. Low to average doses should be ok, people on higher doses should drink less cacao.  Cacao will raise your heart rate slightly.  If an increase in your heart rate could cause a medical problem, you should drink a lower dose.  If either of these apply to you please let me know by responding to the email you receive after booking so I can adjust your dose.